Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Protect those who will be born! By Monsignor Francisco Pérez González

Forty years ago Saint Thérèse of Calcutta was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her life given to the poorest of the poor. It was on October 17, 1979 when it was announced that he had been granted such a title and on December 10 of the same year he was given such a prize before the great UN authorities. Everyone was expectant at his speech that was delivered with such evangelical and human fluency that, well it can be said, it was a prophetic message. He went on to state: “I have a belief that I want to share: the greatest destroyer of peace today is the cry of an innocent unborn child. If a mother can kill her own child in her womb, what worse crime may have to kill each other? ... Today millions of unborn are killed and we say nothing. In the newspapers we read this and that, but nobody talks about the millions of children who have been conceived with the same love as you and me, with the life of God. And we say nothing, we shut up ... For me these nations that have legalized abortion are the poorest nations of all. They are afraid of the little ones, they are afraid of unborn children. And the child has to die, because they do not want this child - not one more -, they do not want to educate him, they do not want to feed him, and the child must die. I beg you on behalf of the little ones: save those who will be born. Recognize the presence of Jesus in them! ”(Saint Teresa of Calcutta, speech to the UN, December 10, 1979).

There is no doubt that they are convincing and convincing phrases. since if there is something that has authentic value, in human experience, it is the gift of life. Nothing and no one can justify the great scourge and the great atrocity of reaping the life of an unborn. There is a very subtle, but very perverse, justification, and that is to affirm that the mother has the right to abortion and this contradicts the fundamental essence of the maternal instinct. The future and the present will be very critical to such a way of working. “Frequently, to cheerfully ridicule the defense that the Church makes of life, it seeks to present its position as something ideological, obscurantist and conservative. However, this defense of unborn life is intimately linked to the defense of any human right. It implies the conviction that a human being is always sacred and inviolable, in any situation and at every stage of his journey ... Precisely because it is an issue that makes the internal coherence of our message about the value of the human person, it should not be expected May the Church change its position on this issue. I want to be completely honest about it. This is not a matter subject to alleged reforms or modernizations. It is not progressive to try to solve problems by eliminating a human life ”(Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, nn. 213-214).

Moreover, those who collaborate in abortion have such a torment in their conscience that only a higher Love can calm it: the Mercy of God. “The Church knows how many conditions may have influenced your decision, and it does not doubt that in many cases it has been a painful and even dramatic decision. Probably the wound has not yet healed inside. It is true that what happened was and remains deeply unfair. However, do not be overcome by discouragement and do not give up hope. Rather, understand what happened and interpret it in its truth. If you have not already done so, open with humility and confidence to repentance: the Father of all mercy awaits you to offer his forgiveness and his peace in the sacrament of Reconciliation. You can trust your son with hope to this same Father and his mercy ”(Saint John Paul II, Evangelium vitae, n. 99). If someone speaks frankly and confidently as regards the human being, the Church occupies the best position of honor. Time and eternity will give their reason and deserved.

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